What Does John Foubert Speak About?
Harms of Pornography
Sexual Assault
Trauma Informed Investigations
Bystander Intervention
Benefits of Working with Dr. Foubert
Reasonable, All Inclusive Rates
8 Hours of Presenting Per Day (no upcharges)
Multi-Day and Multi-Institution Discounts
Low Maintenance Speaker (no drama or odd requests)
Data-based, Engaging, Powerful Presentations
Trauma Informed Approach
​Be sure to visit the page geared toward your organization:
Frequently requested presentation topics are:
How to Help a Sexual Assault Survivor: What Men Can Do
Recognizing Perpetrators and Helping Our Friends: What Women Can Do
The Neurobiology of Sexual Trauma: How Brain Chemicals Affect The Body During and After Rape
PTSD and How it Affects Survivor Testimony
Title IX, Campus SAVE, and Adjudicating Sexual Assault on Campus: The Basics
Our Responsibility for Ending Sexual Violence: A Discussion with Faculty & Administrators
How Pornography Harms: Today's Research, Scholarly Perspectives, and Real Life Stories.

For rates, availability, and individually designed programs for your population, call 405-338-8046 or email john.foubert@gmail.com. You will receive a response the same day.