Speaking Endorsements
Robin Davenport, M.S., LPC, ACS
Director of Counseling Services
Caldwell University
Caldwell, NJ

I just want you to know how thankful we were for your excellent presentations here. It was an extremely busy day for you, but you pulled off 5 great talks into the late hours of the evening. You enlightened the "older" adults and made a significant impact on the younger minds. I happened to go to a meeting at Seton Hall the next day, and the attendees who had seen you the day before were still talking about the value of your session. Anyway, I just wanted to give you my heartfelt thanks for your time and expertise.
Daryl L. Hawkins
Dean of Students
Eastern University
St. Davids, PA

As I stated in the meetings/session, we were fortunate to have you visit us. I am working on the next visit. I saw a few guys from the last session, they were still wired and talking about how powerful (and graphic) the DVD was ----because it made them "see it in an entirely different light."
I even spoke with the fellow who stated he might need to step out and he said he didn't step out and he is glad he stayed in. Thank you so much for engaging and pushing our community forward.
Gerald Longjohn, Jr., Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Development
Title IX Coordinator
Cornerstone University
Grand Rapids, MI

Thank you for your investment on our campus. CU's mission states that we exist to "equip men and women to excel as influencers in our world for Christ" and your life's work and tireless advocacy for ending sexual violence embody that mission. I so appreciated your careful preparation for your time at CU and look forward to working together in the future! Know that we will be continuing to pray for you and the work that you're doing.
Rev. Dave McMurry
Lead Pastor, Grace Bible Church
Killeen, TX
Recently, I invited Dr. John Foubert to preach at all 3 of services at my church, Grace Bible in Killeen Texas. I'm so thankful for his work. John brings the insights of peer reviewed research forward in a compelling and understandable way. He also brings a heart of compassion to people who are gripped by discouragement and shame. If you want your community to be better educated about the dangers of pornography by an excellent public speaker who knows research and the Lord well, John is an excellent choice!
Frances Fondren
Head of Upper School
Holland Hall
Tulsa, Oklahoma

I just wanted to write to say thank you one more time. Our students are still talking about your presentations, as are the parents and faculty. Our head of school let me know what positive things he has heard about your visit. He sincerely hopes, as do I, that our partnership can continue. A full school year after you visited our campus, students, parents, and faculty are still talking about the important topic of sexual assault prevention.
Drew Moser, Ph.D.
Dean of Experiential Learning
Associate Professor of Higher Education
Taylor University

Dr. Foubert’s visit to our campus was timely and effective. He gave us his all during his visit to our campus, and connected well with faculty, staff, and students alike. He was able to apply his expertise to our context, and we are better off for it. His visit served as a catalyst for our campaigns and programs. If a campus is looking for help in the area of sexual assault/violence, I’d highly recommend Dr. Foubert.
Paul Chelsen, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Development
Wheaton College (IL)

“Dr. John Foubert has spoken multiple times at Wheaton College (IL) to student, faculty and staff audiences as a faculty member, an expert practitioner, and a follower of Jesus. His research related to sexual violence prevention and to pornography’s effects were critical to understanding the urgency surrounding these matters.”
Dan Falk
Dean of Students
Southwestern College

Bringing Dr. Foubert to our campus has been an amazing experience for our
students and staff. His bystander intervention training is both informative
and interactive. Our students found his scenarios very realistic and therefore
they were fully engaged. His session is the highlight of our peer mentor training.
Karen Van Norman
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Seton Hall University

Dr. Foubert brought so much to our campus – for our staff and our students. He was generous with his time and resources. Our team left the day more informed and confident in their ability to support student survivors of sexual violence. Our students were empowered to stand up and care for one another, to be active bystanders who make a difference.
Brad Lau, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Development
Title IX Coordinator
George Fox University

"Dr. Foubert's presence on our campus was extremely helpful in training Title IX investigators and hearing officers as well as offering several engaging and thoughtful presentations to our broader campus community. His two days on campus were very full and we are deeply grateful for his important and compelling work that challenged, supported, resourced, and equipped our students, faculty, and staff!"
Dr. Gail Dines
Professor Emerita, Sociology, Wheelock College
CEO and President, Culture Reframed

Dr. John Foubert is one of those speakers who holds his audience spellbound, as he eloquently and elegantly explains the way porn impacts individuals, families and the culture. Drawing on his vast knowledge of the research, Dr. Foubert provides a nuanced and much needed analysis of why pornography is a major social issue of our time that is undermining our collective well-being.
Patrick A. Trueman
President & CEO National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Dr. Foubert is a dynamic and powerful speaker, intimately familiar with the peer-reviewed research on the harms of pornography and related topics. His own research is critically important to the movement against sexual exploitation. Not only is John’s content spot on but his passionate delivery is convincing.
Clay Olsen
President / Co-Founder, Fight The New Drug

John Foubert is a dynamic, powerful speaker and one of the most knowledgable experts on the harms of pornography in the nation.
Alexander Rhodes
Founder of NoFap™

Dr. Foubert knows a lot, much more than most people would care to admit in a different context, about Internet porn.