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How Does Porn

Affect the Brain?

  1. Studies of the brain show that if someone is addicted to pornography they tend to have problems at work and with carrying out matters of daily living (DeSousa & Lodha, 2017). 

  2. Brian science has shown that people addicted to pornography have their past maps for normal sexuality rewired and reinforced by pornography to prefer more explicit, graphic images in order to maintain arousal (DeSousa & Lodha, 2017).

  3. Brian science has found that the more hours per week someone uses pornography, the less gray matter volume they have in their brain.  In addition, connected tissues that are associated with healthy brain functioning begin to deteriorate with increasing hours of use (DeSousa & Lodha, 2017).

  4. Empirical evidence shows that the psychological and neurobiological aspects of addictive disorders also happen with pornography use (Brand, 2019). 

  5. In a sample of older men, researchers found that ¼ go through withdrawal when they can’t access pornography (Calvo et al, 2019). 

  6. Among adolescents age 12-16, pornography addiction impairs recent verbal memory (Prawiroharijo et al, 2019). 

  7. Over time, pornography use re-routes the neural pathways in the brain to prefer sexual images over people (Wilson, 2015).

  8. The more people watch pornography, the more their brains shrink, particularly in the areas responsible for motivation and decision-making (Kuhn & Gallinat, 2014).

  9. Viewing porn slows down short-term memory (Laier et al, 2013).

  10. Continued, addictive use of pornography, stimulates brain chemicals to tell the body to seek more extreme porn. (Eberstadt & Layden, 2010.

(c) 2024 John Foubert

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