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How Does Porn Affect Relationships?

  1. The more people use pornography, the more likely they are to experience a romantic break-up (Perry & Davis, 2017).

  2. Married people who view pornography are more likely to believe that their marriage is in trouble, more likely to discuss ending the marriage, and more likely to repeatedly break up compared to those who do not view pornography (Perry, 2020). 

  3. Married people who view pornography are less likely to view their relationship as good or strong, less likely to feel like a team with their spouse, less likely to think their relationship makes them happy, and less likely to believe their relationship is nearly perfect than people who abstain (Perry, 2020).

  4. Married people who use pornography more frequently are less satisfied with their marriage (Perry, 2020).

  5. Consent is rarely depicted in pornographic media nor is an expression of affection (Bridges, 2019).

  6. The primary reason men don’t talk about their pornography use is the guilt and shame associated with it (Sniewski & Farvid, 2020). 

(c) 2024 John Foubert

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