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Sexual Assault and Pornography Presentations to High Schools

Dr. John Foubert can cover a wide range of topics dealing with sexual assault and pornography on a visit to a high school.  Examples are below; please contact him at or 405-338-8046 so he can put together a unique experience just for your school.



Possible topics:


  • Can be split male/female or done together

  • Statistics on the Prevalence of Sexual Assault

  • State definition of Rape

  • Characteristics of Perpetrators

  • Developing Empathy with Rape Survivors

  • Helping a Friend who was Sexually Assaulted

  • How to Intervene as a Bystander to Prevent Sexual Assault

  • Consent

  • The Harms of Pornography

  • PTSD

  • The Neurobiology of Sexual Trauma


A Parents Program


Possible topics:


  • Statistics on the Prevalence of Sexual Assault

  • Basics of Title IX

  • The Neurobiology of Sexual Trauma

  • PTSD

  • The Harms of Pornography

  • Advice for What Parents Can Do to Set Limits

  • Questions to Ask on College Visits

  • Resources

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(c) 2024 John Foubert

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