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Does Porn Affect

Religious Beliefs?

  1. The more pornography that parents, particularly fathers, consume the less time they spend talking or reading about religion with their children.  Thus, pornography may threaten the transmission of religious heritage from parents to children (Perry, 2015).

  2. Porn use is increasing among adults in general, including among those who identify as Evangelical Christians.  However, porn use has remained constant for the last 30 years for those Evangelicals who are most theologically conservative and faithful to their religious beliefs (Perry & Schleifer, 2018).

  3. The more frequently men view pornography, the less committed they are to their religion.  In addition, the more frequently men view pornography, the less likely they are to hold a leadership position in their congregation during the following 6 years (Perry, 2018).

  4. The more religious men are, the less frequently they use pornography.  And the less frequently they use pornography, the less likely they are to sexually harass women online (Hagen, Thompson, & Williams, 2018). 

  5. The more religious one’s spouse is, the less they view pornography.  The study author suggests that spousal religiosity may decrease pornography viewing among married Americans by promoting greater religious intimacy and unity between the couple, consequently decreasing one’s interest or opportunities to view pornography (Perry, 2017).

  6. The more men were motivated to be religious because it could help their social standing, the more they use pornography (Short et al., 2015).

  7. The more men and women are motivated to be religious for selfless reasons, with a desire to have one’s beliefs and behavior match, the less they view pornography (Foubert & Rizzo, 2013; Short et al., 2015).

  8. The more boys and girls are integrated into their religious group, school, family, and community, the less they consume pornography (Mesch, 2009).

(c) 2024 John Foubert

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