ACSD and CCCU Institutions

Because my faith is consistent with the mission statements of both ACSD and the CCCU, many institutions that belong to these organizations invite me to their campus to speak about Title IX, Sexual Violence, Campus SAVE topics, and the harms of pornography. When visiting these institutions, I focus on speaking from a Biblical worldview, and am able to connect with students, faculty, and staff as a fellow believer.
I have visited the following ACSD/CCCU institutions recently:
Anderson University (SC)
Baylor University
Cornerstone University
Eastern University
George Fox University
Houghton College
Moody Bible Institute
Northwestern College (Iowa)
Oklahoma Baptist University
Southern Adventist University
Tabor University
Taylor University
Wheaton College (IL)
To view a sermon about pornography that I preached at Grace Bible Church near Ft. Hood Texas, click the button below. Then fast forward to about 27 minutes into the recording.
Here is a sample of talks I can give. Be sure to ask about an ACSD/CCCU institution discount!
Training for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, and Hearing Board (1/2 day, 1 or 2 days)
Choosing the right investigator
Preparing to investigate, prior to interviews
Typical dynamics of sexual assault cases, how they differ from stereotypes
Victim Impact
Interview Techniques for Complainant and Respondent (many suggested questions)
How to determine the type of sexual assault that is alleged (a. without consent and/or by force, b. unconscious victim, c. intoxication).
How to determine if victim was too intoxicated to consent:
Questions to ask complainant and respondent about alcohol and predatory behavior, respectively.
Assessing credibility and corroboration (several questions for complainant and respondent, and things to ask about)
How not to get hung up on a potential false report
Completing the Investigation
Writing an Investigation Report, what to include and language to use
Assisting the complainant to prepare for the hearing
What to ask complainant and respondent during hearing
Explaining counterintuitive behavior to a hearing panel
Approaching various arguments made by respondents
Chapel Talk: Responding to Sexual Violence with Compassion and Grace
This talk is written to be delivered in a chapel setting, anywhere from 15-60 minutes. Themes include a biblical perspective of sexual violence, responding to survivors with compassion, intervening to help prevent sexual violence, and how to create a campus culture at a Christian institution where sexual violence is reported when it occurs, and is not tolerated by anyone.
Chapel Talk: How Pornography Harms
This talk is written to be delivered in a chapel setting, anywhere form 15-60 minutes. After reviewing scripture related to pornography and lust, the presenter spends the bulk of his time talking about the spiritual, neurological, relationship, and sexual harms done by pornography. Anecdotes from research participants who are addicted to pornography are shared, along with practical ideas for change and a message of hope.
How Pornography Harms: Today's Research, Scholarly Perspectives, and Real Life Stories
This session is geared to most any audience of students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. An overview of the nature and intent of the pornography industry as a business frames this discussion. Harms in numerous domains are discussed including spiritual, neurological, relationship, and sexual harms. Quotes from scholars studying today's pornography, experiences of pornography actors and addicts, and the experience of others whose lives have been harmed by pornography are discussed. After demonstrating the horrific harms of pornography, this talk ends with practical suggestions for how to fight and escape pornography are shared in a message of hope.
Our Responsibility as Believers to End Sexual Violence: A Conversation with Faculty and Staff
In this session, faculty and staff engage with the topic of sexual violence in the context of a Christian institution. Reference to rape in the Bible is reviewed as a context. Participants learn how frequently sexual violence occurs, characteristics of perpetrators, barriers to reporting, the neurobiology of sexual trauma, and how they can encourage students to intervene as bystanders. A focus on how to talk with student survivors is included.
Improving Sexual Assault Hearing Outcomes through Trauma Informed Investigation
This session provides helpful information for Title IX Coordinators on a Christian college campus. We discuss the dynamic tension between mercy, grace, and accountability. A strong emphasis is placed on adjudicating sexual violence in today's legal environment, a trauma-informed approach to investigating Title IX violations, and how an understanding of PTSD can improve hearing outcomes.
How to Help a Sexual Assault Survivor, What Christian Men Can Do
This presentation opens with a non-confrontational tone, defining rape and sexual assault. Next, the presenter walks participants through a police training exercise, imagining themselves as a police officer who experiences rape. Capitalizing on the empathy developed through this exercise, participants hear how the rape of women commonly occurs. Participants then learn a Christian perspective on to help a woman recover from a rape experience. Participants hear what men can do in their own behavior to help prevent rape including defining consent and using effective bystander intervention strategies. The final section focuses on bystander intervention in situations involving alcohol and sexual assault that they might encounter while away from campus. Research has shown that this program not only teaches men how to help women recover from rape and increases their empathy toward female rape survivors, but that high risk men who see the program commit less sexual assault than men who don't.
How to Help a Sexual Assault Survivor: What Christian Women Can Do
Because few women perceive themselves to be potential victims of rape, The Women’s Program focuses on how to identify men’s potentially high-risk behavior and how women can be effective bystanders with their friends in high-risk situations. In addition, the program focuses on how to help a friend recover from sexual assault without blaming the survivor and avoiding shame responses sometimes common in Christian circles.. During the program, participants learn characteristics of men who rape and the situations in which men are most likely to commit rape. We discuss how to identify red flags in men’s behavior and how to help one's friends identify these behaviors. We also discuss ways participants can help sexual assault survivors and explain that helping sexual assault survivors involves understanding the needs of the survivor as well as self-limitations. In the end, participants are engaged in discussion of bystander intervention scenarios and talk about how they can help their friends avoid risky situations.
Fixing the Bridge: Why Bystander Intervention Must be the Choice of Everyone (coed)
This session, often done for a coed group of student leaders, focuses on the responsibility we all have to recognize a high risk situation when we see it, and intervene effectively. Data on the prevalence of sexual assault is shared, along with common responses of survivors. Information on PTSD and how to help a friend is included. A strong emphasis on how to intervene as a bystander is the core of this presentation.